Canoe Concepts - Your One Stop Paddling Shop

Welcome to the exciting world of canoeing. Did you know that canoeing is one of the fastest growing sports in South Africa? Whether you are a beginner and looking for some basic equipment or if you are a seasoned paddler that is ready to replace or upgrade your equipment, this is the place for you. When it comes to kayaks, many people are at a loss when trying to decide what type of kayak is the right one for them. We can offer the best expertise and advice. Founded in 1989  by people who love canoeing, Canoe Concepts has been instrumental in transforming paddling from an esoteric specialty to a mainstream activity with thousands of participants every year.

Canoe Concepts is the only retail outlet that can supply customers with kayaks from every manufacturer in the country, at factory prices. We also stock a wide range of recreational craft including fishing ski’s, plastic kayaks, Canadian canoes, wave ski’s, surf ski’s, as well as heart rate monitors, G.P.S systems and Energy drinks. Products for sale on this site do not constitute our full range of paddling equipment that we have available for sale – If you’re looking for something you don’t see on our site e-mail us, chances are we do stock it in store or we will do our best to source it for you!